Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Supplements

Posted by Horton Tatarian, research biochemist, on 26th Mar 2016

Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Supplements

The Effects of Natural Substances

Many plant-derived natural substances nourish or regulate body tissues and organs. Although these substances are not drugs they appear to combat diseases, as often reported by research scientists. Nevertheless, by definition:

  • Drugs are synthetic medical preparations designed for the diagnosis or treatment of disease. 
  • Natural substances are essential or supportive to life and sustain body structures and functions required for health. 

Beneficial natural substances prevent or repair failures in structure and function that characterize various disease states. Drugs treat diseases (breakdown patterns), usually not the underlying causes.

A deficiency of natural substances can lead to a broad range of impairments. Furthermore, some natural substances can help offset cell and tissue stresses that would otherwise lead to disease.

Anti-inflammation is one of the many effects of natural substances listed in the screenshot below. 

Researchers describe most of these nutritional and regulatory effects in scientific jargon. However, these terms usually translate into understandable concepts. For example, "antipyretic" means fever reducing; "antinociceptive" means relieving pain by decreasing the stimulation of pain receptors. 

Life Sciences Database Screenshot, Natural Substance Effects,

Scientists also use alternate terms having meanings similar to those listed above. For example, "anti-neoplastic" means acting against a disordered growth of cells, either benign or cancerous. However, a plant or plant component may have specific "anti-cancer" effects. Research articles relevant to the anti-neoplastic effects of natural substances link to each of the terms below. 

Life Sciences Database Screenshot, Anti-neoplastic Effect, Similar Topics,

Anti-Inflammation Targets Disease Causation

Oxidative Stress Yields Inflammation

The natural substances that yield scores of benefits all have one characteristic in common; they all reduce inflammation directly or indirectly. For example, as shown in Anti-Inflammatory Diets, the anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin (in the spice, turmeric) is responsible for reported benefits in a broad range of health disorders. The anti-inflammatory action of plant substances all reduce oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is inflammation at the deepest level, the level of cell chemistry. Beneficial natural substances can counter oxidative stress and inflammation throughout the body. 

The link between the biochemistry of oxidative stress and inflammation impacts practically all issues involving health and disease. Excess oxidative stress is the central disease mechanism of degenerative disease. Furthermore, inflammation is the key pathologic feature of the degenerative diseases. 

The following statement refers to Alzheimer, Parkinson, and other degenerative diseases of the brain in connection with oxidative stress and inflammation. 

In recent times, there have been major advancements in our understanding of various neurodegenerative disease states that have revealed common pathologic features or mechanisms. Reference

Excessive stress from any cause initiates oxidative stress and inflammation in cells and tissues regardless of their location in the body.

Natural Supplements Quench Inflammation

Scientists also recognize the benefits of dietary supplementation with natural substances. 

Of late, natural compounds and supplemental substances have become an increasingly attractive option to treat neurodegenerative diseases because there is growing evidence that these nutritional constituents have potential adjunctive therapeutic effects (be it protective or restorative) on various neurodegenerative diseases. Reference

The scientific literature offers similar conclusions on the potential use of natural substances as an adjunct to medical treatment to counter degenerative diseases of other parts of the body. However, natural substances act on the causes of disordered structure and function rather than diseases per se, which are merely consequences of causation.

Natural plant polyphenols (flavonoids and non-flavonoids) are the most abundant antioxidants in the diet and as such, are ideal nutraceuticals for neutralizing stress-induced free radicals and inflammation. Reference

Correcting Deficiency Also Lowers Inflammation

In addition to the anti-inflammatory effects of natural substances, the correction of nutritional deficiencies reduces inflammation since a lack of required nutrients causes cell stress. For example, oxidative stress and inflammation occur with iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. Reference 1Reference 2 Carefully selected supplements provide missing nutrients without causing harm. (See sales-motivated A to Z formulations, discussed below.)

Sleep deficiency also initiates and furthers oxidative stress and inflammation, thereby causing, aggravating, or contributing to any degenerative condition. Supplements formulated to promote sleep reduce oxidative stress and inflammatory mechanisms directly and indirectly, by supplying beneficial ingredients and promoting restful sleep.

Clearing Toxins Reduces Inflammation

Toxins carried by food, water, air, clothing and drugs also initiate and further oxidative stress and inflammation. For this reason, most dietary supplements formulated to promote detoxification have anti-inflammatory effects. 

Equally important, correctly formulated supplements of all kinds, including multiples, promote immune system health. Healthy immune systems, together with innate tissue integrity, resist acute and chronic infection, a frequent source of inflammation, and all of the degenerative diseases. 

Many Synthetics Promote Inflammation

Food "Fortification" May Increase Inflammation

While the natural substances in whole foods and dietary supplements prove beneficial, the value of synthetic vitamins is questioned. Many researchers regard most synthetic vitamins as failed attempts at imitation. Nevertheless, synthetic vitamin E and other manufactured nutrients continue to appear on supplement labels as "vitamin E", etc. 

Some researchers propose that synthetic vitamins added to processed foods contribute to the obesity epidemic. The massive rise in refined sugar intake is likely a more significant factor. However, the widespread use of cheap synthetic vitamins to fortify foods or produce inexpensive dietary supplements may pose a public health threat.

Since synthetic vitamins were used to fortify food and as supplements in the late 1930s, vitamin intake has significantly increased. This has been accompanied by an increased prevalence of obesity, a condition associated with diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, asthma and cancer. Reference

Many Supplements Increase Inflammation

In addition to using ineffective synthetic vitamins, manufacturers often try to include everything from A to Zinc in their formulas to make them “more complete” and competitive with other brands. However, most of these highly advertised multiple vitamins are counterproductive. 

Vitamins with antioxidant properties have the ability to act as pro-oxidants, inducing oxidative damage and oxidative stress as opposed to preventing it. While vitamin supplements are commonly consumed, the scientific evidence for their health beneficial effects is inconclusive. In fact, even harmful effects have been reported. Reference

These scientists offer the following conclusion: 

Taken together, vitamin C and copper stood out with the strongest oxidative potency, which is of potential concern since both substances are commonly found in multivitamins. Reference

Related Supplement Categories

Detoxification Support
Immune System Function
Inflammatory Response Balance
Multiple Vitamins

About Horton Tatarian

Horton Tatarian image

I’m a biochemist who examines scientific findings on health and disease. My degree in biochemistry is from U.C. Berkeley. UCLA School of Medicine granted an M.D. degree in 1974. Since then, independent research prepared me to advise clients on natural ways of self-care.

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